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Karfan þín er tóm

Discover Your New Skincare Routine

Each of us has different skin types, tones, concerns, and goals. Knowing your skin type is essential for personalizing your skincare routine and optimizing your skin health.


To keep oil glands in check and minimize pore size, we recommend Foaming Cleanser, Silica Mud Mask, and Hydrating Cream—a trio of formulas for deep-cleansing radiance and soothing hydration.


To restore your skin’s oil balance and provide moisturizing nourishment, Algae Bioactive Concentrate, Mineral Mask, and BL+ the serum are an extraordinarily potent trinity, opening the door to a younger, plumper, more radiant complexion. 


To preserve the intrinsic radiance and optimal oil-to-moisture ratio of normal skin, prevent premature aging, and strengthen the skin barrier, we suggest three products calibrated to keep skin healthy: Algae Mask, Hydrating Cream, and BL+ the serum.

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